To make a payment with Fines Victoria, you will need your fine's Obligation number, Payment Reference number or Payment Arrangement number. This number is printed on your fine or letter.
If your fine does not have an obligation number
If your fine is managed by Fines Victoria but it is handwritten, was received to your phone or by email or issued without an obligation number, and you would like to pay it on this website, call Fines Victoria on 03 9200 8111.
Always check the payment instructions on your fine before you pay. For some fines, payment must be made to the enforcement agency that issued it – not to Fines Victoria.
If your fine is for a traffic camera offence and you were not driving, you should tell us who was driving. You need to do this quickly – for some fines, you need to do this within 28 days. The enforcement agency will then re-issue the fine, with a new due date, to the nominated driver.
Pay with BPAY
Biller Code: 49031
Ref: Obligation Number
(located in the top-right corner on the front of the notice you wish to pay).
Send your payment by post
Send a money order (do not send cash) along with the payment slip to:
Fines Victoria
GPO Box 2041
Melbourne VIC 3001
Note: A receipt will not be issued for payments made by post.
Pay by phone
Call 1300 735 124 and quote the obligation number listed on your notice.
You can pay with either Visa or MasterCard.
Pay in person
Present your Infringement Notice, Penalty Reminder Notice or Notice of Final Demand before the due date at any Australia Post Office.
Visit us
You can also visit us at:
Fines Victoria
Ground floor
277 William Street
(near corner of Little Lonsdale Street)
Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm
(except public holidays)