Fines Victoria

Primary content


What is the Family Violence Scheme?

Fines Victoria's Family Violence Scheme helps victim survivors if there is a link between the family violence and their fines.

The scheme allows your infringement fines to be withdrawn if:

  • you are a victim of family violence, and
  • the family violence was one of the main reasons why you were unable to:
  • control the conduct for which you received the fine, or
  • name the driver that committed the offence
  • reject a nomination.

What fines are included?

The scheme covers most infringement fines, but there are some exceptions.

What fines are not included?

You cannot include a fine in your application if it was:

  • issued by a court
  • issued to a company
  • for an offence against local council laws (except parking fines)
  • for drink/drug-driving or drink/drug-boating
  • for excessive speeding (more than 25km/h over the limit or over 130km/h).

You cannot apply for the Family Violence Scheme if:

  • you have paid the fine in full
  • the fine has been referred to court
  • you have received a 7 Day Notice that has expired or you waived the 7 day period
  • a Sheriff's officer has seized your vehicle
  • the Director, Fines Victoria has:
  • made an attachment of earnings or debt direction
  • recorded a charge over land that you own.

How to apply

The easiest and fastest way to apply is to complete and online form.

To log in and complete the form, you will need the obligation number or infringement number for one of the fines. We will also ask you for some other details about you, your licence or your vehicle. Once logged in, you can then add any other fines to your application.

You will also need at least one piece of supporting evidence from a relevant authority or professional, or a statutory declaration. The Guide to the Family Violence Scheme (PDF, 660KB) has further details on what evidence to include.

If you prefer, you can authorise a lawyer, guardian, financial counsellor, friend or family member to apply for you.

We handle all applicants' information confidentially and in accordance with the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014 and the Health Records Act 2001. We will not share your information with the person responsible for the family violence.


If you cannot apply online

If you cannot or do not want to apply online, you can download the Family Violence Scheme application form (PDF, 2.07MB), fill it in (you can also type into the form) and submit it with supporting evidence to:

[email protected]
Note: only family violence requests will be actioned or responded to.

PO Box 14487
Melbourne Victoria 8001

In person
Ground floor
277 William Street
(near corner of Little Lonsdale Street)
Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm (except public holidays)

What happens next?

Once we receive your application, we put your fines on hold. Once a decision is made, we will send you the outcome in writing.

If we determine that you are eligible for the Family Violence Scheme, your fines can be:

  • withdrawn (no further action will be taken against you and any demerit points will be reversed), or
  • put on hold so you can nominate the responsible driver within six months (if this is what you request).

If we determine that you are not eligible for the scheme, you will be given 21 days to take action to deal with your fines.

Help and assistance

The Guide to the Family Violence Scheme (PDF, 660KB) has further details and guidance.

You can also get in touch with us by:

  • emailing [email protected] 
    (only family violence requests will be actioned or responded to)
  • calling 1300 019 983 Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm (excluding public holidays).



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