Fines Victoria

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If you believe a fine has been incorrectly issued or there is a valid reason why your fine should be withdrawn, you may be able to ask for a review. In most cases, you can only apply for one review for each fine.

You can only ask for a review under one of the eligible grounds and you have to provide supporting evidence to support the reasons you are asking for a review. The application may not be successful if you don’t apply under an eligible ground or provide supporting evidence.

I want more information on requesting a review for a fine at:

    What are the reasons I can ask for a review?

    When you request a review, you must choose the grounds for review. The ground is the reason you are asking for a review and by law, there are only 5 eligible grounds for review.

    Different rules apply for each of the grounds and not all fines are eligible for review on each of the grounds. If the reason you are asking for a review doesn’t meet the criteria of one of the grounds, your review will not be successful.

  • Person unaware
  • Contrary to law
  • Mistake of identity
  • Exceptional circumstances
  • Special Circumstances
What do I need to include in my application?

You need to provide evidence to support the claims made in the application. You should provide as much information and supporting documentation as you can.

The type of information and supporting documents will depend on the ground you are requesting the review under. Some examples of the types of evidence you can provide are:

  • medical reports
  • bank statements
  • hospital admissions documentation
  • police statements or reports (including mail theft reports made to Victoria Police or Australia Post)
  • images of the alleged offence (if relevant to your grounds) – for images of Victoria Police issued fines visit view your fine
  • travel documentation (for example, copies of flight itineraries, date-stamped passports, boarding passes, or international movement records)
  • removalist invoices
  • tow truck or mechanic's invoices
  • identification documents (for example, driver's licence, birth certificate)
  • Motor Vehicle Transfer documents or other proof of sale of a motor vehicle
    Internal review
  • What fines are not eligible for an internal review?
  • What happens after I apply?
    Enforcement review
  • What fines are not eligible for an enforcement review?
  • What happens after I apply?
If you can't apply online

The easiest way to request a review is online. A request for a review must be made in writing. If you can’t apply online, you need to send your request by post.

If you need help, call us on (03) 9200 8111 (1300 369 819 regional callers).

Post your review application and supporting documents to:

Fines Victoria
GPO Box 1916
Melbourne Vic 3001

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