If you are paying your fine in instalments or have an extension of time to pay, and you want to check your balance or the payments you've made, you can log into Your Fines.
Your Fines is a section on this site. To log in, you will need your payment reference number, obligation number, infringement number or court case number.
Once you've logged in, you can:
You will not be able to:
Only people who have a lawful reason can access information about your fines. This means only you, or someone you authorise (like your lawyer or an interpreter) is allowed to access your information.
The login process we use establishes your identity and protects your personal information.
The information you provide will be used for verification purposes only. More information about the handling of your personal details is available in our Privacy statement.
Return to the topBy law, you must update your address with VicRoads within 14 days of moving.
Fines sent to the address registered with VicRoads are taken to be received by you 7 days after the date of the notice – even if you no longer live there and did not receive the fine.
You can update your contact details for both your licence and vehicle registration online at VicRoads.
If you have outstanding fines, are paying off your fines in instalments, have a payment extension or have submitted a review, you should let us know if you've changed your address or contact details.