If you are caught committing a traffic offence you may be issued with a penalty in the form of an infringement notice (a fine).
Depending on the type of traffic offence, demerit points or a licence suspension may also be applied to your driver licence or learner permit.
A demerit point is a penalty point issued to you if you commit a driving related offence that has associated demerit points. These points are recorded against your driving record. Demerit points range from 1 to 4 depending on the seriousness of the offence. They accumulate and remain valid for 3 years.
Your demerit point limit depends on what type of licence or leaner permit you have. For more information about demerit points see the Transport Victoria website: Demerit Points.
To check how many demerit points are recorded on your licence, see Check driver history on the VicRoads website.
The penalties for full licence holders caught speeding are:
Exceeding the speed limit | Penalty (as at 1 July 2023) | Penalty (as at 1 July 2024) | Demerit points | Automatic licence suspension |
By less than 10 km/h | $240 | $247 | 1 | |
10 km/h–24 km/h | $385 | $395 | 3 | |
25 km/h–29 km/h | $529 | $543 | 3 months | |
30 km/h–34 km/h | $625 | $642 | 3 months | |
35 km/h–39 km/h | $721 | $741 | 6 months | |
40 km/h–44 km/h | $817 | $840 | 6 months | |
By 45 km/h or more | $962 | $988 | 12 months | |
20 km/h - 24 km/h (110 km/h zone) | $385 | $395 | 3 months |
The penalties for full licence holders caught speeding in a heavy vehicle are:
Exceeding the speed limit | Penalty (as at 1 July 2023) | Penalty (as at 1 July 2024) | Demerit points | Automatic licence suspension |
By less than 10 km/h | $337 | $346 | 1 | |
10 km/h–14 km/h | $529 | $543 | 3 | |
15 km/h–24 km/h | $769 | $790 | 3 | |
25 km/h–29 km/h | $1,058 | $1,087 | 3 months | |
30 km/h–34 km/h | $1,346 | $1,383 | 3 months | |
35 km/h–39 km/h | $1,635 | $1,680 | 6 months | |
40 km/h–44 km/h | $1,923 | $1,976 | 6 months | |
By 45 km/h or more | $2,212 | $2,272 | 12 months |
Fine amounts correct as at 1 July 2024. Amounts are adjusted in July each year.
What is a heavy vehicle?
Heavy vehicle speeding penalties apply to:
Failing to obey traffic lights, both red-light and red-light arrow, incurs a penalty of $494 and three demerit points.
Drivers caught by these cameras incur the following penalties:
Driving an unregistered two axle vehicle incurs a penalty of $988. Driving an unregistered three, four, five or more axle vehicle incurs a penalty of $1,778.
Companies are directed to nominate the driver responsible for any operator onus offences (such as speeding, red light and level crossing offences) committed in a company vehicle.
Once nominated, the fine is reissued to the driver at the amount relevant to the offence.
If a company fails to nominate a driver, it is liable to pay a penalty of $3,952. Companies that fail to nominate a driver three or more times within a 12-month period may be liable for a penalty of $23,711 as per section 84BEA of the Road Safety Act 1986 (as at 1 July 2024).
See Transport Victoria for more information on fine amounts, payments and disputes. See Department of Treasury and Finance for more information on fine penalty units and indexation.
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When an Infringement Notice is issued, you must pay it by the due date or do something else about it. If you don’t, a Penalty Reminder Notice is issued and a late fee is added.
If you still don't do something, a Notice of Final Demand is issued and another fee is added. You should pay this fine by the due date or see what your options are to deal with the fine.
If you don't do anything, an Enforcement Warrant can be issued, and the Sheriff may become involved. A driver or vehicle sanction can also be applied.