If you have been ordered by a court to pay a fine, and did not pay the court on the day of your hearing, you may receive a Court Fine Collection Statement from Fines Victoria.
The Court Fine Collection Statement includes details about the court order (excluding additional orders not referred to Fines Victoria) and the major charge.
It also tells you how much to pay, when payment is due and provides you with information about your options and the consequences of not dealing with the fine.
The court can make a time to pay or instalment order for your fine – if this happens, Fines Victoria is required to manage your fine by the terms ordered by the court.
You can deal with your court fine by:
You may wish to seek legal advice before contacting the court when considering whether to apply for a rehearing or an appeal. For information on applying for a rehearing or an appeal contact the Magistrates’ Court, County Court or Supreme Court that heard your case.
If you need legal assistance visit the Legal and financial assistance page on this website for information about organisations that might be able to help.
For more information on court fines, see Court fine FAQs.
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