Fines Victoria

Primary content

Fines Victoria is a Victorian Government administrative body established by the Fines Reform Act 2014. We support the Director, Fines Victoria (the Director) to manage the administration and enforcement of infringement fines and court fines across Victoria.

We look after various stages of the infringement process, including:

  • sending out infringement notices (fines) on behalf of some enforcement agencies
  • collecting fine payments
  • reviewing eligible fines upon application
  • taking enforcement action against people who do not deal with their fines
  • administering social justice initiatives such as the Family Violence Scheme and Work and Development Permit scheme
  • helping you resolve your fines by providing any information you may need.

Some of the fines we manage are:

  • speeding and red light fines
  • tolling fines
  • unregistered vehicle fines
  • fines ordered by a judge or magistrate in court
  • marine safety fines
  • gambling and liquor related fines
  • other fines registered with us by enforcement agencies for enforcement. 

See Roles and responsibilities for more information.

For more information on the lifecycle of a fine, see the infringement fines lifecycle (PDF) and the court fines lifecycle (PDF).

How we act and make decisions

The responsibility and power to administer and enforce fines belongs to the Director. The Director has statutory functions, including decision-making powers, set out in the Fines Reform Act 2014 and the Infringements Act 2006.

Fines Victoria supports the Director to exercise these functions and powers. Administrative law sets out specific requirements for how the Director's functions and powers must be exercised. In accordance with these requirements, the Director:

  • acts in good faith and for proper purposes
  • complies with legislative procedures
  • considers relevant matters and ignores irrelevant ones
  • acts reasonably and on reasonable grounds
  • gives adequate weight to matters
  • gives proper considerations to the merits of a matter
  • is objective and independent

We seek to balance maintaining the integrity of the fines system while understanding the impact that enforcement action can have on people, particularly people who are vulnerable and disadvantaged. We do this by:

  • helping people pay their fines quickly and easily
  • providing information and support to help people to understand their options and obligations
  • giving vulnerable and disadvantaged people options to deal with their fines, including non-financial options
  • aiming to reduce the number of people who progress to the later and more serious stages of the fines lifecycle that could result in sanctions, warrants and court hearings
  • applying effective enforcement actions to encourage compliance
  • supporting our actions with good decision-making practices.
Our services

Services we provide include:


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