Fines Victoria

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A new way to apply for infringement extensions

Published on 08 Mar 2024

If you have just become aware of traffic (including some littering and waste offences) or tolling fines, within the last 14 days, you may be eligible for an infringement extension. You must make an application for an infringement extension within 14 days of becoming aware of your fines.

An infringement extension gives you an additional 28 days to deal with your fines with the options available at infringement stage like submitting a nomination, court request or internal review.

Following a legislative change that started on 8 March 2024, Fines Victoria now accepts and processes infringement extension applications for eligible offences under section 67 of the Road Safety Act 1986 and other relevant legislation.

This is a change to the previous process where an in-person application for an infringement extension for an eligible offence had to be made to the Magistrates’ Court. If your fine is for one of the eligible offences below, you can now only make an application for an infringement extension with Fines Victoria.

You can now apply for an infringement extension with Fines Victoria for:

tolling offences
traffic offences, excluding parking, excessive speed (for example driving 25km/h or more above the speed limit) and drink or drug-driving offences
littering or waste offences that occurred in relation to a vehicle.

This means you no longer need to make an in-person application for the above offences to the Magistrates’ Court. 

The easiest and quickest way to make an infringement extension application is via an online application on this website. You must you submit your application within 14 days of becoming aware of your fines. 

There is certain information that you must provide with your application. You can find out about the requirements and how to apply on our Infringement Extension page. 

If you applied for an infringement extension with the Magistrates’ Court before 8 March 2024, the court will assess your application and let you know the outcome.

If your fines are for conviction related offences like excessive speeding or drink or drug-driving, you still need to apply for an infringement extension with the Magistrates’ Court. Visit the Magistrates’ Court website for more information..

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