Fines Victoria

Primary content

To view the offence photo for a camera detected traffic offence (if a photo is available):

  1. Log into Your fines (link will open in a new browser window). To log in, enter an obligation or infringement number for one of your fines, as well as some other details about you, your driver licence or your vehicle registration details.

  2. Once you've logged in, you will see a list of your fines. Click 'Photo' next to the relevant fine.

  3. Depending on how your web browser handles PDF files, a PDF with photo and details of your fine will:
    • display in your web browser, or
    • download to your device.

    If the photo doesn't open in your web browser, look for it in your Downloads folder.

If there is no 'Photo' link, this means there is no photo available on the website. If the offence occurred more than six months ago, you can contact Fines Victoria and ask if an image of the offence is available.


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